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Are you still using fetal bovine serum? Why not try human serum?

Most academics still use fetal bovine serum (FBS) as a culture supplement, mainly because of its lower cost advantage. However, as research progresses gradually into the clinical research stage, experimenters need Xeno-free Materials can make the experimental data more convincing and safe. Human serum can not only achieve this, but also provide human hormones, growth factors, adhesion factors and other micronutrients, so that the research results can be close Human.

At present, some studies have confirmed that human serum is more suitable for certain cell culture applications than FBS (refer to the link below) Access Biological's HumaCell Serum is obtained from healthy people of various races. It is not only manufactured in a cGMP factory, but also accompanied by a complete test report and 35-year tracking data for each donor.

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1. Human Serum Enhances Biomimicry of Engineered Tissue Models of Bone and Cancer


2. Growth Factor Content in Human Sera Affects the Isolation of Mesangiogenic Progenitor Cells (MPCs) from Human Bone Marrow


3. Human serum and platelet lysate are appropriate xeno-free alternatives for clinical-grade production of human MuStem cell batches


4. Human serum alters cell culture behavior and improves spheroid formation in comparison to fetal bovine serum